Saturday, November 20, 2010

Unit 11 Comments

My comments for the week:

Comment 1

Comment 2

Unit 11: Web Search and OAI Protocol

OAI Protocol
This article, filled with acronyms, gives an overview of OAI-MPH (open archives initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting—specifically what its original purpose for creation was and the different ways it’s being used today. OAI’s original goal was to provide access to “diverse e-print archives through metadata harvesting”, but is now used in a variety of communities. The article highlights three of these communities, which include: Open Language Archives Community, The Sheet Music Consortium, and the National Science Digital Library. The Open Lang. Archives uses OAI to create a “network of repositories” from 27 metadata harvesters. The Sheet Music Consortium utilizes the Dublin Core to describe sheet music, which is a cataloging challenge. OAI provides a means of “virtual collection”. For the Nat’l Science Digital Library, OAI acts as the aggregator of metadata. It’s interesting that OAI’s original purpose has branched out to help a wide range of communities in the information world.

Web Search Engines, Parts 1 & 2
After reading, I’ve realized that I had never given much thought to what goes into a search engine producing the results that it does. I am amazed not only at what a complex process this is, but also how incredibly quickly we are given our search results. Another important aspect of the search engines is their PageRank. This popularity score given to web pages ensures us that if we search for “University of Pittsburgh”, we are almost guaranteed that the school’s website will be the first hit in the list, rather than some random person’s website that says they graduated from the “University of Pittsburgh” in 1989.

The Deep Web
Like most topics in the readings for this class, I didn’t know much about the Deep Web. This article provides quite a bit of information regarding information buried on the web. It makes me wonder what I’m missing out on when researching and just fooling around online. I was amazed to read that, “Public information on the deep Web is currently 400-550 times larger than commonly defined on the WWW”. This number could be even greater now since this article was written in 2001. The article also states that ‘directed query technology’ is the method necessary to bring deep and surface web information together.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Unit 10 Comments

My comments for the week:

Comment 1

Comment 2

Unit 10: Digital Libraries

Digital Libraries: Challenges and Influential Work
One of the details that struck me in the article is the fact that there are over 80,000 online journals. My guess is that since this article was published in 2005, there are now an even greater number of online journals. It’s interesting to think just how much digital libraries have changed over the course of the past 10-15 years, especially when you think of how much technology has changed in these years as well.

Dewey Meets Turing
First, I never imagined hearing that Digital Libraries have “sex appeal”. Awesome.

But seriously, before starting the program here at Pitt, I never imagined that the computer science field and library field were so closely related. The two go hand in hand. Digital libraries ultimately do change traditional librarianship. However, as the article writes, “the core function of librarianship remains”. We still are collectors and organizers of information, and we are still serving the needs of patrons. Digital libraries just change the way that this happens and what it looks like.

Institutional Repositories
Repository was a foreign word to me before the beginning of this semester. An institutional repository can be a great resource for faculty and students alike in a university (or other setting). Security is certainly an issue for repositories though, which cannot be overlooked. Repositories should not be formed haphazardly, but given great thought and planning before launched.