Friday, October 22, 2010

Unit 7: Internet and WWW Technologies

"How Stuff Works" Article

I found this article to be more confusing than clarifying, particularly the "Internet Network Example". I suppose that I understand the basics, but one thing that just baffles me is the speed at which this all happens. Especially when I think back to my family's first laptop, which I believe was on loan from my dad's work. We would hook up that clunker to our phone line and it just took an unbelievable amount of time to accomplish anything. But to think of the changes that have taken place is just incredible!

"Dismantling Integrated Library Systems"
I had never heard of an integrated library system (ILS) before reading this article. It seems that a great deal of research must be done by a library before selecting an ILS, especially because of the interoperability between vendors. It seems there's no easy solution in selecting an ILS or in finding a fixable solution for an already existing ILS.

Google Video
I found this video to be very interesting. I was surprised by how young both the founders are and how down to earth they seem. As a teacher, the fact that they both attended Montessori School struck me. I also found it interesting that they allow their staff to work on these "Googlettes", or the smaller projects within the company. It seems like more companies could learn from how they operate and would benefit from the work environment they've created within the company. From what I've heard, the Pittsburgh office of Google is much the same.


  1. One of the "Googlettes" that have come out of Google's policy to let their employess follow their interests is the Google Sky Map, one of the coolest android apps I've ever used. Check it out, it's a great illustration of how this policy can lead to the creation of cool, innovative resources.

  2. Oh wow! I've not heard of that one before. Just took a look. That's incredible! Thanks for the suggestion!

  3. Sky Map is great, and it would still be great if all it were were the constellations....

    I agree about the structure of Google Corporate. I think that if other firms were that wildly profitable they would be more open to radically changing their environments. Or maybe they're all just waiting to see if Google's laissez faire attitude comes back to bite it.

  4. RE: "How Stuff Works" Article

    I also think it is amazing how fast things happen over internet but I think it's not so baffling because all our lives we've been using telephones and televisions which are similar ideas and maybe even technology to the internet. With One person in New York calling another person in Los Angeles, signals for the call are relayed around the planet until that specific signal reaches the intended one with no delays. Television similar, the tv station send out the signal and thousands of people who are tuned to their channel receive their signal to watch their channel. Of course, internet is perhaps a little more complex and many more types of information can be sent. Also, internet is interactive so we the users can send out whatever information we want to.
