Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Week 1: Muddiest Point & Reading Response

Week 1
Muddiest Point

As a Mac user, I am unsure about what to do about this week’s assignment to download Ad-aware. Is it enough to read about it and understand what it is, or do I specifically need to find a way to install it?

Response to Readings

These first readings really demonstrate how technology has completely revolutionized the ways we can access information. The traditional ways are still in place, but now there are just so many more ways. I had never much considered how overwhelming this could be in the information field.

As I embark on this program, it seems that one of the biggest obstacles I’ll face as a future school librarian is to figure out the best ways to guide students (and other teachers at times) through technology and finding quality information that is both valid and relevant to them. What will be the most useful and how will I know?

On a different note, after reading the “Lied Library” article, it became quite obvious that I’ve never really given much thought to the vast expense (in both time and money) that is required for the technological “upkeep” of a library, particularly the one discussed in this article. Patrons expect libraries to be online, functional and up to date. To provide the services they need, libraries have to constantly be focused on the future technologies and the best ways to implement the most crucial technological advances into their systems.


  1. I totally agree with you Caitlin. Lied Library was an amazing article that served as a open-eyed experience of all the major and minor details that need to be taken care of when running this type of online, up-dated library. I don't know if you got time to see the other articles related to this particular topic but Library Hi Tech has a special issue dedicated to Lied Library. It came out in 2002. There are like 8-12 articles that talk about the project. Is worth reading if one wants to implement systems like the ones used in Nevada.

  2. Actually, I read one of the articles accidentally! It was about the design of the library etc... and was interesting. Especially after thinking about the library where I did my undergrad work. I purposefully avoided it as much as possible because of horrible lighting and 1970's hideous plaid carpeting. Maybe silly, but certainly says something about making a learning space aesthetically pleasing.
