Friday, September 10, 2010

Week 2: Computer Hardware

Computer Hardware
I think what struck me most about this article is how little I actually think of the technical aspects of my computer; as long as it is working the way I expect it to. When things go awry, it’s good to know that I can find some basic technical info if needed.

Moore’s Law
I feel like I have the basic understanding of this, but the article was too technical for my basic computer knowledge. It makes sense to think that hardware capacity increases each year as new technological advances are made. Part 2 of Moore’s Law also seems fairly logical, that as our cost of technology as a consumer decreases, the cost to produce it and for R & D increases. The short video also helped to make sense of what exactly Moore’s Law is about. And also a good reminder that transistors will eventually reach the point where they just are not able to get any smaller.

The Computer History Museum
seems like quite an interesting place. Their website seems quite comprehensive and I enjoy that so much of the museum’s contents are available online. As a future school librarian, this could be a great resource to have on hand!


  1. Hi Caitlin!
    I just have a quick question. I thought I had posted a comment yesterday evening to this entry, but when I went to check it later it was not here. I may have posted it somewhere else, and I was just wondering if you had seen it at all yesterday?

    Thank you so much!

  2. Hi Aimee--I didn't see anything (but I'll have to admit I also didn't check). That's so odd!

  3. Hi Caitlin,
    I think I figured out that I haven't been entering the word verification. I just wanted to thank you for reminding me about the video link regarding Moore's Law. I had completely missed that on the required reading list, and it was so much more understandable after i viewed it.

    Thanks again!
