Thursday, September 23, 2010

Unit 4: Multimedia Representation & Storage

I'd have to say that I really appreciated the approach taken by the DVD-HQ article. It presented the topic in a way that I could more easily internalize and process, granted a lot of it still is quite technical for me.

I really appreciated the “Imaging Pittsburgh” article by Edward Galloway. It is so beneficial to read about a specific case of digitization and collaboration among organizations, than to just read about it generically. I’ve spent some time before reading this article on the ‘Historic Pittsburgh’ site and I feel much more enlightened as to how this project came to be. I also love that it’s an example of something local, too.

I love the idea of creating Youtube videos to showcase library services and to demonstrate how to use the library. As a future school librarian though, I know that nearly almost every school district blocks Youtube, so in this case it wouldn’t be a took that I could use, which is disappointing. But in the public library, this can be such a great tool to reach patrons.


  1. Caitlin, I appreciate that you brought up the fact that most school districts block Youtube. I haden't thought of that limitation while reading the article. I agree with you, however, that the public library could benifit by using YouTube as a tool.

  2. I agree with you Caitlin that Youtube would be a great tool for public libraries. Do you think it's worth having some screening process, so students could possibly access youtube in schools for visual instruction guides and other grassroots informational videos that provide relevant and appropriate information to school aged youth?

  3. Bekezela, I think it could definitely be beneficial, but that screening would be tough. Schools are quite strict about internet policies, so it wouldn't be easy. But a video like the one we saw yesterday would be such a great tool. I suppose you could still use them so students could watch at home though. Maybe that's the key, to help them use library materials and resources from home if they forget.
